Thursday, July 28, 2011

So My Tractor Mower Died

My riding mower (Sears) finally bit the dust two weeks ago. While I sat at home lamenting the loss and waiting for a Sears serviceman to come and perform the autopsy, I was unable to mow my lawn. I mow it twice a week during Florida's rainy season (currently).

I was fortunate enough to find someone to mow it one day last weekend, and it was starting to look shoddy since done, too much unlike the way I keep my lawn.

Last evening Sears called and told me that their man would be at my home in the "window" of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Well, that's pretty much a picture window. Most servicemen provide a two-hour window.

Well, he showed up shortly after noon and the post-mortem was performed. It was not good. Seems it needed a new engine. I use the term "new" loosely because the price that he quoted me (after collecting $108 for his service call), was $1300 plus change. And that was for a reconditioned motor, not new!

Before he left, the kind man handed me a card that was good for $90 off the price of a new mower, if purchased within two weeks.

After I was able to pick my jaw up off the floor, I quickly Googled "Sears" in order to review the prices of their new (really, truly new) lawnmowers. Well guess what? They ran $1300 for a new one, the same size and features of my dear departed mower. It included a two-year warranty. Less the $90, that would have been $1410, plus tax (seven percent, mind you, in Charlotte County, FL.) or $1508.70.

So, I contemplated driving 11 miles to Sears and getting a new mower. All this time between funerals and decision-making, my grass continued to grow, at what seemed to me, and unreal rate. Heard the expression "Watching grass grow"? Well, it appeared that I could actually see that happening.

On my way eastward in my covered wagon, I stopped at my local Home Depot, which is only three miles away (Donna Deacon, if you read this, you'll appreciate that, I'm sure … it might help your stock options).

I checked out comparable mowers and I found an Ariens with a wider cut, greater horsepower and all the features that I had on the Sears model (except for the clock/mileage meter) including the coffee cup holder. (Tell me, who drinks coffee while mowing the lawn in 98° temperatures?

With the help of a nice young man and a stunning young female assistant manager, I wheeled and dealed, having the balls to ask if Home Depot would consider the $90-off offer if I bought there. To my surprise, the assistant manager agreed! Not only that, but they offered me a FIVE-YEAR service contract for a total of $1486.16!

So, at least in my mind, I saved having to drive eight miles beyond Home Depot to get to Sears, instead, taking the deal on the spot. (Sears, cry your heart out!)

In addition, I saved a $59.95 delivery charge, slated for Saturday, by renting a Home Depot truck ($19.95 for 45 minutes, with tax at 7%, $21.34 for a total of $1507 plus pennies). The good folks at Home Depot loaded the mower on the truck for me. And, I drove off into the sunset … wait! That's another movie. I drove home, had a friend help me to unload my treasure and I returned the truck to the Home Depot. Score: Home Depot 1, me, 1, Sears 0.

I was surprised when the gal at the refund counter (not the stunning young assistant manager) asked me for a receipt for the gas that I deposited into the truck. The stunning young assistant manager told me specifically that there would be no gas charge since the distance that I had to travel was less than 10 miles.

I sheepishly smiled at her and said, "I was told that there would be no charge for the gas," adding that the dashboard indicator in the truck told me that the truck gets 40.2 miles per gallon. I asked her how I should have (without a calculator) determined how much gas to deposit for a round-trip of six miles.

She had no ready reply and cancelled out the charge for fuel. Score another for me!

All-in-all, I think "I done good" today although I may find myself crying later tonight when it hits me that my net worth dropped $1507.50 PLUS the $1.07 cost of a Blockbuster CD (to help me not cry tonight) plus $6.95 for a Subway tuna sub (foot long) so I wouldn't have to cook after mowing the lawn while trying to beat an approaching tropical storm that dumped a good 2" of rain in the pool (and much needed for the lawn).

Did I get the lawn done before the storm? Yep!

So, folks, how was YOUR day?

Monday, July 25, 2011

So a Well-Known Author Plugged My Book!

Amy D. Shojai, nationally known authority on pet care and behavior and author of numerous books has graciously "plugged" my book on her Web page blog site.

We haven't met in person, yet she kindly shared her page with me. That is an uncommon act of generosity (for me) as I've run into many roadblocks in trying to get more reviews posted regarding my book. Reviews are, to me, the life's blood of a book; its destiny indicator as to its success or failure.

I just want to express my thanks for Amy's selfless act of generosity and kindness. It's only proper that I do so, publicly.

You might want to visit her blog at for further information on her books, valuable, timely information regarding pets and pet care and helpful topics for all things pet-related. Sign up as a follower of her site and receive email updates each week.

Share the love! And while you're on my page, please feel free to invite your friends to stop by, set a spell and enjoy! I'm certain that Amy would not object to you referring friends to her page, too!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

So a Little Self-Promotion Doesn't Hurt

I'm rather pleased with sales of my book to date. As a matter of fact I've begun writing a second book, tentatively titled "From Flab to Fab!" It's a book dealing with exercise, eating and drinking properly and cutting a small amount of calories from daily intake in an attempt to lose weight.

I'm hoping that it does as well as "Crossing the Rainbow Bridge … Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go," although that book will always remain number one in my "book."

Speaking of "Crossing," I have now published it at, precisely at and I'm offering a 26% discount by using the code SSW25 at checkout. The list price is $9.99. It is not available in  paperback at that site. Download samples are also available.

Supported versions include the Kindle, epub, the Nook, Sony and more. It will also be available at Barnes and Noble as of next month.

If you haven't read it, this is your opportunity to get it at a reduced rate for your favorite "reader." The discount offer is good through July 31.

In addition, if you have a Web site, you can post a link to my Smashwords page and earn an 11% affiliate bonus for each book sold from your site.  Just post this link to get started:

Current reviews (all 5-star) are a good sign that people are enjoying my work. Reviews are hard to come by. Asking some people to post one is like extracting teeth. See below for all 16 reviews to date:
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book!, July 15, 2011
Liz - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
This book was a really easy read and a total tear jerker! I would read a chapter, and cry, and have to put it down, and give my dogs a hug before going back to reading. As an animal lover, it really touched my heart, and I will remember this story always. It let's you truly appreciate your dog as your best friend. I know when the time comes for my dogs to go, I will think back to this book that gave me hope. 

I highly recommend this book to read, as it will touch anyones heart as it did to mine. Well done RJ!

5.0 out of 5 stars A "Touching Tail", June 29, 2011
Leslie M. - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
This book was definitely a tearjerker. A book for any animal lover, although very sad it leaves you with the hope that you will one day join your own furry friends on the Rainbow Bridge. A short read, very to the point but touching at the same time.

5.0 out of 5 stars Heartwarming story, June 27, 2011
Marvine E, Dethloff (PORT CHARLOTTE, FL, US) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
This book was a gift from a friend, who knows I come from a family of animal lovers. I thoroughly enjoyed the warm story, as it parallels each of our lives with ups and downs, good times and bad, celebrating the loyal friends we all enjoy so much. The scenes were so true to life, showing the warmth of a close family, and proving that the joy and comfort our pets bring us through the years greatly overshadows the sadness and heartache that comes at the end of their lives. 
This book is a quick read, requires a few tissues through the chapters, and would make a great gift for a fellow animal lover. I have purchased a few to share with family and friends.

5.0 out of 5 stars Ultimately Uplifting, June 16, 2011
David C. Svatos (Washington, DC USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
RJ's thoughtful short novel tells the story of a family's love for one another and how one little dog makes them whole. It gives us all hope that death does not separate us from loved ones. I read in one sitting and never put down. Well done RJ.

5.0 out of 5 stars Comfort in affirmation of one day being united again., June 14, 2011
Julie Cenci - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
This book is spellbinding ...I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen next. Although this story was an easy read for me, its deep storyline emphasizes the unpredictability of life. Robert has created a wonderful tool to prepare ambivalent pet owners regarding when it is time to let go of an ailing or aging pet. Most readers will find comfort in the affirmation that they will one day be reunited with all those who have been lost and are held dear. With all the experience that Robert has in writing and editing for AOL, it is no surprise that he would produce a book of this quality. Great Job! When will the next book be out?

5.0 out of 5 stars Crossing The Rainbow Bridge, Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go,May 22, 2011
Amy - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
As a dog lover who grew up with dogs and lost one of my big loves and best friend just a year ago, I was a bit anxious thinking about reading "Crossing the Rainbow Bridge" as I knew it would open old wounds. 

While very difficult to read certain parts, I found that Robert's story gently led me through and I was able to experience the joys of pet companionship on a new level. I laughed and I cried and felt more deeply connected to my dogs of the past and my current dog Kona than ever before. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has a love for dogs, has suffered great loss or ever pondered what happens after we leave this physical life! Thank you Robert for this moving story ... here's to Lady! 

5.0 out of 5 stars A Validating and Essential Book, May 16, 2011
HummingbirdMind - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
Described by others as a "quick and easy read," this book was neither quick nor easy, but it was an important and enjoyable read. As another said, it took me a while to finish it. I kept picking it up, reading a little -- grabbing for a tissue -- and then looking at my beloved, aging pets in a new way -- especially my late mother's Golden/Chesapeake Retriever mix, Lucy, who is preparing for her own crossing. This is not just a story of a family and it's dogs. If you pay attention you see that it is a story about the journey all of us share with our four legged friends. And, it is as much a book about humans as it is about our pets. It's packed with life's experiences and hope.

5.0 out of 5 stars Inspirational, Heart-warming, A Story of Faith & Love, May 14, 2011
Cathleen Mccormick (Upstate SC) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
In Crossing the Rainbow Bridge, Robert Scott speaks to all of us. It's a story of love, joy, loss, sorrow, survival, and faith. Robert used his personal experience of losing a beloved pet to weave this story and create a lasting legacy in honor of his sweet dog, Lady. With this story he also left the rest of us a heart-warming story of how love and faith will carry us through all of life's challenges, loses, and grief. Who is this book for? Anyone who loves a good read. Anyone who loves their pets. Anyone who has struggled to keep going despite unbearable loss and grief. This is a lovely, good read -- enjoy!

5.0 out of 5 stars Poignant and Real...for Anyone Who's Loved and Lost, April 26, 2011
Julia L. Wilkinson (Alexandria, VA USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
"Crossing the Rainbow Bridge" tells the story of a young family and their loves and losses as the years go by. It deals with a delicate subject -- death -- with tenderness and sensitivity, and in a very "real" way. 

The book is a quick read and I got through it quickly, wanting to know what came next for Dan, Cathy and their little family. Anyone who has loved and lost a pet -- or indeed any living creature -- will be moved, and most likely, ultimately uplifted, by the novel. In a culture that shies away from dealing with death, I believe this book will be comforting and also enlightening for not only adults but young adults and teens as well. 

A Book for All Pet Lovers, April 11, 2011
Cheryl "League for Animal Protection of Hunti... (Long Island, NY) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
RJ Scott is an amazing storyteller. This blend of reality and fiction is exactly what every pet owner needs. You can't go wrong with this book. It completely resonated with me. As a pet owner and as an animal rescue volunteer and advocate, I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It should be on the bookshelf of every pet lover and in every library. Bravo and well done to the author!

5.0 out of 5 stars A++++, April 8, 2011
Donna9331 "Donna" (Cincinnati Ohio) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
This book captivated me from the first page..."authors note" through the very last page. I read it in one sitting...couldn't put it down! 

It takes you through all the important events in a couples life...the good, the bad, loving, losing, and well, let's just say I won't spoil the ending for you, but just tell you that it ends the way ALL animal lovers hope for. If you're looking for a book that can show you the good in the bad, and in the end, ultimate happiness, this is the book for you. 

Buy it, you won't be sorry :)

5.0 out of 5 stars Crossing the rainbow bridge, April 3, 2011
Jeffrey F. Burnatowski "J. Burnatowski" (Pennsyvania) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
If you are dog lover and want a hearfelt book this is the one. Knowing the author and animal lover Robert Scott transforms his work for others to enjoy. The book has many twists and turns and ups and downs, and shows us how our pets will be a part of our lives forever. Best to you Bob! 

Jeff Burnatowski 

5.0 out of 5 stars Crossing Rainbow Bridge by: Robert Scott, April 1, 2011
Cheryl Graham - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
Wow, the book surprised me. I LOVED IT! Once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll need to know what is happening next. Great Job!

5.0 out of 5 stars Unconditional Love, March 31, 2011
Patricia Manescu Becker - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
Wow! I could not put this book down. The joy, the sorrow and the joy....makes you realize what an impact our pets have on our lives. Life goes by so fast and taking time sharing it with someone special (who gives you unconditional love) is priceless. Great Job, well done RJ Scott.

5.0 out of 5 stars AMAZING, heartfelt, touching book - a must read for pet lovers!,March 23, 2011
Morgan Bramlet (McLean, VA USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Volume 1) (Paperback)
We cannot say enough great things about the touching and heartfelt new novel by tech pioneer and animal advocate Robert Scott. The story is one you won't soon forget, and leaves the reader with a profound and wonderful bittersweet memory. Anyone who has ever had a pet will LOVE this book, and should buy it immediately. Kudos to Mr. Scott for an incredible first novel! Well done! 


Eileen and Morgan Bramlet 
Washington, DC

A Delicate Subject, July 14, 2011
M. Shelto "Bocker the Labradoodle" (NY United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Kindle Edition)
A delicate subject on every pet owners mind. Written in a compassionate and heartwarming way. We all make our own decisions but this book helps us to understand and realize deep down inside what we decide is right. A heartfelt read whether a pet owner or not.

5.0 out of 5 stars Heartwarming and Moving, May 1, 2011
Pam Hilton - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge Your Pet: When It's Time to Let Go (Kindle Edition)
This is a heartwarming and very moving story about when it's time to let go, whether it's a pet or family member. The author writes with passion and compassion about the difficult decision one makes when a pet's quality of life deteriorates to the point when they're just "existing." I recommend this book to anyone with a pet.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

So Casey's Out of the Slammer

Casey Anthony was released from prison today, shortly after midnight. HLNTV covered her release which its reporters say took all of 15 seconds.

Yet, since (when I turned it on) shortly after 7 a.m., they've been broadcasting the same thing CONSTANTLY, ad nauseum. I guess nobody wants to work today so they're showing the same clips time after time hour after hour; clips that were made shortly after midnight and calling it BREAKING NEWS. 

Good grief! Is there nothing else happening in the world today?

Back to Casey: A jury of her peers found the woman not guilty of murder. The jury did its duty based on the evidence presented. There was no conclusive proof a) that the child was murdered, b) how she died or c) who killed her.

Caylee & Casey Anthony
(public domain images)

Yet, protesters congregate threatening to kill her (and her family).

I don't know if the woman is guilty or not, however I must respect the fact that it was 12 people that found her not guilty, and I'm content to live with that. If she's guilty, God knows and she'll get her payback in time. If she is not, I think we should give her the benefit of that doubt. It's not our place to become vigilantes. The Court has had its say: Not guilty.

Isn't it about time this is put to rest? Violence will beget more violence. Casey will have a difficult enough time trying to fit back into society. Will she be able to get a job? It'll be hard. Will she sign a million-dollar deal? Likely. Will she become rich? Unlikely … she has fines to pay and several lawsuits are either pending or are in the process of being filed.

That million won't last too long, if it happens.

Casey will likely be rebuked and rebuffed wherever she goes; in whatever she tries to do. It's probable that she'll never find any true friends throughout life once people learn of her past. 

Won't that be punishment enough over a lifetime? She's 25. If she lives a projected life of 60 more years, that's a long, long time that she'll have to repent … if she is guilty. Let's give her a break and deal with our own shortcomings. Let's try to be better than the evil child-killing mother we presume her to be.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

So Casey Refuses to See Cindy

Casey Anthony has refused a visit from her mom. Loving daughter, as much as she apparently was a loving mother, eh?

Also it’s been reported that the Anthony family was given $200,000 by ABC News:

Now don’t get me wrong, but if I owed my legal team $275,000 and counting, and my family used the $200K to pay toward my legal expenses, I think I’d give my mom the courtesy of a brief visit, at very least.

At least the would be a valid reason for refusing to talk to your mother, right? Right?

Or, could it be that after giving the $200K to the legal team, the Anthonys are broke, and all Cindy really wanted was to read my book which she can no longer afford the $9.99 to buy (Kindle)?

Boy! That family sure has its problems.

I’m here to help. For every Kindle version purchased TODAY, I’ll put 1¢ aside toward a Kindle version for Cindy. Then she can tell Casey to screw off! That’s 999 copies, folks. Act quickly before they’re all gone!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

So What Do YOU Think About Reporters?

I’ve watched the Casey Anthony case with extreme interest for the past month plus.

I’ve watched carefully as evidence was presented, argued about, dismissed, overruled and sustained.

I’ve always held the personal opinion that Casey was not guilty of murder. My gut feeling was largely based on images of her with Caylee, smiling the beautiful smile of a mother who loved her child.

I’m not a lawyer … I have no personal knowledge of the law. Mine was a gut feeling and I really wanted her to be innocent of the horrible crime that she was charged with.

Do I know that she’s innocent? I do not. It’s my sincere wish that she is. I’ve had my doubts along the course of the trial.

I watched a TV show on HTN that Vinnie Politano hosted this afternoon.

He was livid! He ranted on and on about the “injustice” done in this case.

I can understand and appreciate his personal thoughts about the case; however, I feel that his job as a reporter is to report the news, not to throw a tantrum if he disagreed with the verdict.

I found his reaction to be completely unprofessional and uncalled for. He was reaching out to perhaps tens of thousands of viewers, maybe more, possibly hundreds of thousands.

What if some nutcase who happened to agree with his rant decided to stalk Casey and eventually murder her … and she is innocent of the crime?

If he disagreed with the verdict, he is free to disagree all he wants to … but he has no right (as a reporter) to make his personal feelings public.

It’s not our place to judge. The judicial system may not be perfect, but it’s not our place to put doubt into the minds of others who are not capable of thinking for themselves to the point of senselessly murdering a possibly innocent person.

Given the above information, I’m truly curious to learn how you feel.

Don't be afraid to reply ... I promise not to stalk you.

So What's With Casey Anthony?

I’ve been watch the Casey Anthony trial daily for more than a month and it’s every bit as riveting as the O.J. Simpson trial was, nearly two decades ago.

I don’t know how she copes each day. I learned a short while ago that there are no newspapers or magazines in her holding cells. It’s too bad she can’t download the Kindle version of my book at It’s an easy, fast-moving read and it could keep her occupied for several hours.

She could certainly learn a lot about love by reading the book.

I’d honestly like to believe that Casey is innocent; that some “unknown” person killed her daughter, but the evidence presented seems to be powerful.

I feel certain that her dad, mom and brother had nothing to do with the child’s death and I feel equally certain that the three of them are in deep grief over their loss.

At age 25, she has so much life that will be wasted if she’s found guilty on any of the charges.

I don’t have any views on where it will end, but I really do hope that the entire family, Casey included, will find peace. There’s been enough heartache, hasn’t there?